Past Events

2016 Events

October 2016


Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC Annual Review 2016

 The Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC Annual Review 2016 was held in the Derby Ipro Stadium on Thurs 6th October. Nuclear UTC members from Imperial College London and the University of Manchester came together with Rolls-Royce nuclear engineering experts to discuss the successes of the research collaborations undergone with Rolls-Royce in both UTCs.

Aidan Goldsworth
Welcome talk by Aidan Goldsworth (Rolls-Royce, Chief Engineer - Capability & Sustainment)














 The day comprised talks by Nigel Hart (Rolls-Royce) on Civil Nuclear Landscape; Fionn Dunne, Ben Britton (Imperial) and Tim Abram (Manchester) on the latest work being carried out at the partner institutions.

Later in the day, breakout sessions which were run parallel, brought together key experts in focused areas of nuclear research:

  • Structural Integrity

  • Plant Performance Modelling

  • Materials / Zirconium Metallurgy

  • Fuel Technology

 SI Session








poster session



Students presented their research work in poster sessions, which were judged by Rolls-Royce engineers. Prizes were awarded to Geena Rait (Imperial) and Rhys Thomas (Manchester) for the best posters.










Seminar Talks

Date: 27th April 2016

Speaker: Vivian Tong:                    Title: Grain growth in Zircaloy-4  Vivian Tong



Ruby McCarronSpeaker: Ruby McCarron:            Title: Tribological modelling of water lubricated bearings for nuclear power plants



GiovanniSpeaker: Giovanni Giustini:        Title: Modeling steam bubbles with CFD



SeminAr Talk

Date: 12th July 2016

Vittorio BadalassiSpeaker: Vittorio Badalassi (Rolls-Royce)

Title: A Pathway Towards Integrated Design, Analysis and Optimization of Future Nuclear Reactor Power Plants

Past Events

Seminar Talk

Date: 2nd December 2015

Speaker: Dr David Stewart FIMMM CEng, Technical Specialist – Materials

Title:  “Surface and Powder Engineering Technology for Nuclear Power Plants


Seminar Talk

Date:10th September 2015

Speaker: Dr Sarah Vaughan (Rolls-Royce)

Subject: Intellectual Property Awareness


Seminar Talk

Date:3rd June 2015

Speaker: Dr Ben Britton

Title: Micromechanics of deformation and strength in hexagonal closed packed alloys


January 2014

John Molyneux, Director of Engineering and Technology at Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear visited the UTC on Tuesday 14 January 2014 to discuss future civil nuclear research needs, and to meet with members of the UTC.


December 2013

December 2013 The first Rolls-Royce Christmas UTC lecture was given by Michael Martin (NNPPI) on 4th December 2013. Michael’s talk was titled ‘Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment Methods for Nuclear Power Plant’.


November 2013

November 2013 15th November: Paul Stein, Chief Scientific Officer, Rolls-Royce, met with Professor Dunne on 15th November 2013 to discuss nuclear engineering research and potential Rolls-Royce future needs.

6th November: Catherine McKinnell, MP for Newcastle North & Shadow Treasury Minister , visits the UTC to discuss innovation and uptake of research.


September 2013

4th September: Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC QMM. At this QMM Frederic Sebilleau gave a talk titled 'Computational Analysis of Buoyancy Driven Flows'.

12th September: The Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC Annual Review Meeting took place in Derby.

The Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC Annual Review Meeting


If you are interested in research opportunities within the Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC at Imperial, please see:

For further queries please contact Dr Saira Naeem