Woman smiling having blood pressure taken

Our facilities

We have a range of facilities across our sites at Imperial and the University of Surrey. Our facilities help us carry out a range of research; from non-invasive brain stimulation to smart floors and radars which monitor activity in a model home environment.


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Care Research & Technology Centre at Imperial White City Campus

This centre is the home to 55 of our researchers. It has human experimental laboratories to support electrophysiological studies, non-invasive brain stimulation and cognitive assessment, as well as the Imperial Living Lab, which provides a model home environment for technology development and validation.

The living lab

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UK DRI Living Lab & Clinical Research Facility at University of Surrey

The facilities in Surrey combine qualities of a home environment with clinical research and safety requirements. This consists of 2 bedrooms with diverse monitoring capability with cameras, smart floor, radar, infra-red technology. This is in addition to polysomnography, 24-h blood sampling and a lighting system for dynamic control of intensity and spectral composition. These facilities allow us to acquire high-density EEG.

Man sleeping with monitoring equipment

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Synthetic Biology

Prof Paul Freemont’s research group “Point-of-care Diagnostics” brings unique synthetic biology capability to the UK DRI. This provides a high-throughput, semi-automated framework for biosensor design & development at the London Biofoundry. The London Biofoundry comprises infrastructure that facilitates synthetic biology workflows focused on enabling the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle for synthetic biology. Within the Biofoundry, automated liquid handling robots and analytical workstations allow testing and prototyping of genetic designs in living cells for specific applications.

Researcher in a lab

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Established in 2017 by its principal funder the Medical Research Council, in partnership with Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK, The UK Dementia Research Institute (UK DRI) is the UK’s leading biomedical research institute dedicated to neurodegenerative diseases.