Ultrafast Seminar (November 2023):

Ultrafast Moving Images of Molecules – Ultrafast Crystallography at X-ray Free Electron Lasers and The Imperial College Laboratory for Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction (LUXD)


Prof Jasper van Thor - Life Sciences Department, Imperial College London j.vanthor@imperial.ac.uk

Wednesday 15th November, 4:30 pm, Room LT1, Blackett

A picture says more than a thousand words. In recent years  X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) have given us the ability to probe ultrafast structural dynamics by directly capturing crystal structures with ultrafast time resolution. The real-space Ångström length scale of molecular dimensions can now be combined with ultrafast laser technology. This has opened the door to a new class of experiments, where the explicit molecular structure of coherence processes can be ‘seen’. I will talk about these developments and discuss future opportunities arising from new accelerator developments. I  will introduce the Imperial College Laboratory for Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction (LUXD) which is a new facility in the physics department currently under design and construction and I will introduce the scientific opportunities for using  LUXD for ultrafast science in the department.




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