Account reconciliation training materials and links can be found on this page.
Blackline On-line Training
On-line training courses can be found on the Blackline U website. The courses can be taken at your own pace and are modular in structure. Each module focuses on one key aspect of the Blackline product and reconciliation process taking between five and fifteen minutes to complete.
To access Blackline U you will need to be set up as a Blackline user. Please contact the Financial Accounting team if you are not an existing Blackline user.
Training Pack
A College training pack is available covering reconciliation essentials and how Blackline has been configured to meet the College's requirements. It is recommended that the Blackline U training is used alongside the College training pack to ensure users are aware of the full functionality of Blackline.
Blackline U Training Guidance
1. Login in to Blackline.
2. Open the Help menu.
3. Click on the Blackline Community icon. The Blackline Community homepage will open in a new window.
4. Open the More menu and select Blackline U from the drop down list. The Blackline U homepage will open.
The Blackline U course catalogue lists all of the courses available. You can pick and choose the courses relevant to you.
1. Open the Blackline U catalogue.
2. Filter the products to Account Reconciliations.
3. Search for the course either by name or by scrolling through the list of courses.
4. Enroll on a course by clicking the Enroll button.
The follow Blackline U courses are recommended
- Introduction to Account Reconciliation
- Completing a Reconciliation for Preparers
- Functionality of Items