Further PPE Guidance and Information


PPE Posters

RPE FIlter guide

  • 3M Selection Guide

    Always read the instructions and information prior to use.  Most 3M filters are not suitable for use in environments with a high level of contamination.

laboratory laundry services

Imperial college do not have a preferred supplier for laboratory laundry services

The following suppliers are the most popular across the College

  • Quality Workwear Services
  • Berendsens UK Ltd

If you decide to engage with one of the above suppliers please ensure you have considered these points:-

  • Agreement length and the notice you may need to give to terminate the agreement
  • Is there a minimum order quantity for each collection – if so will your needs meet the minimum order quantity
  • Is there a minimum weekly charge for the service
  • Service level:
  1. How often and how quickly will I receive your laundered items
  2. How many garments will I have to rent/ buy to meet my needs
  3. Can the supplier meet the cleaning standards that I require
  4. Does the supplier carry out tests to ensure the standards are met
  5. Will the delivery / drop off process meet my needs
  6. Do I need garments for individuals or a more general selection of sizes to meet my needs
  7. How will I be invoiced for the items laundered
  8. Will I receive reports for the items that have been laundered
  9. What are the Terms for ending a contract
  10. Is there a minimum contract term