The pace and intensity of a one-year Master’s course can be demanding, and is different to undergraduate study. The Imperial Success Guide for Master’s Students, and the links below, provide advice about how to approach postgraduate work, as well as indicating the sources of support available to you during your time at Imperial. Helpful advice and information can also be found on:

Departmental support and information

Personal tutors

All students are allocated a personal tutor to provide pastoral support. Your personal tutor will be available to your throughout the academic year, and you will meet with them at least three times during the first term. They can be the first point of contact if you have specific problems or worries. Dr Ioannis Kountouris and Dr Tilly Collins are also points of contact for support and advice. Personal tutor groups will be announced on the first day of term and will also be available on Blackboard

Course information

Optional module group meetings

There are at least three 'Option Module Group' meetings during the first term, where you will be introduced to your term two option module convenors, and the course content. The meetings will provide a link between the Core Course and your specialist Option.

College support and information


Careers and skills development

Key information and student welfare


Student feedback

Contact us

Terms and conditions

Important information that you need to be aware of both prior to becoming a student, and during your studies at Imperial College: 

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