PhD Summer Showcase
Wednesday 10 July 2024 | 11:00-14:45 | Queens Tower Rooms

This annual event is organised by the Graduate School to celebrate the research being carried out by our PhD community.

The challenge for this year’s competition is for students to communicate their research via a three-minute presentation pitch at our in-person Showcase event.

Competitors will be assessed on their ability to explain their research in a way that can be shared with the public. Our judges will also be assessing the visual impact & creativity of each presentation.

Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place based on the judges scores. There will also be a People's Choice Prize which will be voted for by visitors to the Showcase event.

Competition info

Eligibility & Competition Rules

  • The competition is open to all current Imperial College PhD students.
  • All competitors are required to present their research at the Showcase event on Wednesday 10 July 2024 from 11:00-13:00 in the Queen’s Tower Rooms, Sherfield Building.
  • All competitors will be allocated a 1m x 1m poster board or a table.
  • Competitors can use their poster board or table to display anything that will assist them in communicating their research. This could be a research poster, a selection of images/artwork or any other visual aids/props; this is your chance to be creative!
  • Competitors will be assessed by a selection of judges which will include Imperial staff and students (full details to be confirmed before the event).
  • Competitors will be asked to present their research individually to each judge; the pitch should not exceed 3 minutes and must be aimed at a layperson.
  • Competitors will be judged on their ability to explain their research in a way that can be shared with the general public and also on how well they visually & creatively communicate their research.
  • Judging will take place between 11:00-13:00 followed by the Reception and Prize Giving Ceremony from 14:00-14:45.

Judging Criteria


Category Considerations Maximum Score



  • Ability to explain clearly & concisely - Was the presentation easy to follow and understand? Did the presenter explain any jargon?
  • Pitched appropriately - Was the research communicated in a language appropriate to a lay audience?
  • Important points coveredDid you understand what the important parts of the research are? Did the presentation emphasise the main points?
  • Engaging – Did the presenter convey enthusiasm/passion for their research? Did the presentation hold your attention? Were you curious to find out more?
 10 pts


  • Visual appeal are the visual aids eye catching? Do they help to highlight the key parts of the presentation?
  • Originality – Did the presentation stand out? Was the presenter creative with their use of visual aids?
  • Clarity – Did the use of visual aids complement and enhance the presentation pitch?
 10 pts

How to Apply

  • To enter the competition, please complete the following form to reserve your place.
  • We will be allocating 50 places on a first come first served basis; a waiting list will be set up for any additional interest.
  • If you are successful in being allocated a place, then you will be asked to submit a short summary of your research (150-word maximum) by 5pm on Monday 17 June 2024.

Prize Information

The following prizes will be awarded:

  • 1st Prize - £500
  • 2nd Prize - £250
  • 3rd Prize - £150
  • People's Choice - £100


  • 09:45 - 10:30 - Student Registration
  • 11:00 - 13:00 - Judging Session & Open Exhibition
  • 14:00 - 14:45 - Reception & Prize Ceremony

Volunteer to be a judge!

The Graduate School would like to invite all students and staff to join our official judging team!   

Judges will be allocated approximately four presenters to visit and assess their three-minute presentation pitches. There are two judging time slots to pick from: Judging Slot 1 (11.00-12.00) or  Judging Slot 2 (11:30-12.30).

This is a fantastic opportunity to hear more about the sorts of PhD research taking place across the College. Please contact Sarah Faux if you would like to volunteer or find out more - all students and staff are welcome!