How did we do?

As outlined in our Accommodation Vision, we're committed to providing high-quality and affordable accommodation for all students. To support this, our Annual Halls Survey is dedicated to understanding what they enjoyed and what may be improved across the portfolio. Through this ongoing conversation with our residents, we're then able to prioritise potential areas for improvement and to maintain what has been well-received. 

We really do want to improve each year, so your feedback now will help future generations have the best possible experience.

Take part in the Annual Hall Survey for 2023-24

This quick survey should only take a couple of minutes and, as a thank you for your time, you'll be entered into a prize draw that includes the chance to win one of 5 x £100 Amazon vouchers.

The survey will remain open until the Friday 5 July 2024.


Previous surveys

See what our previous results look like.

View Halls Feedback 2022-23