The system use falls under the following regulations:
- The College’s Information Systems Security policies.
- The College’s Data Protection policy (also see below)
- Please note that local departmental rules might have additional policies on pastoral/academic support and systems use.
Data Protection
If you have access to the system and student details, then you are bound by the Data Protection policy. When you are exporting information out of the system, either by copy/pasting or by running a report, you are responsible for ensuring these rules are adhered to and any personal or sensitive data is kept secure.
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
The College as a public authority has elevated data publication responsibilities which are explained in the Freedom of Information page. Hence, any information entered on Starfish is subject to FOI requests and any information should be entered on the system with that in mind.
If there is a request for release of information then these should be forwarded to the Freedom of Information team. The data will need to be anonymised before disclosure.