Life Sciences students in the lab

Imperial ‘families’

First-year students gain peer support through the Imperial College Union’s ‘Mums and Dads’ scheme.
This matches your child with students in higher years. These volunteer help new students navigate the start of their studies and settle into university life.

Departmental support

Comprehensive support networks are in place in each department, helping support your child's academic and personal development.

Personal Tutor

Personal Tutors are your child's first point of contact at the College. They are a member of academic staff who provides help and support with academic and personal issues.

They can help with academic, welfare, financial or pastoral issues that your child may have. Personal Tutors can even provide an academic reference when applying for jobs, placements or further study.

Senior Tutor

Senior Tutors oversee personal and academic tutors. If your child's Personal Tutor is unavailable, your child can turn to the Senior Tutor further advice.

What if my child is struggling with their course?

You child's Personal Tutor can help. They will be able to advise them about their academic progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and suggest ways to improve their performance.

Student Hub

Our Student Hub brings together key support services in one easily accessible place.

Student Support Zone

Visit our online hub of student support to explore the remote services available to your child.