Members of the Centre for Complexity Science

(Email address given in brackets after name should be followed by

  • Prof Henrik Jensen (h.jensen)  is a Professor of Mathematical Physics in the Department of Mathematics and a specially appointed professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is leading the programme Complexity Centre. His work focuses on how structure at macro level emerges from the micro level with an emphasis on the role and nature of dynamics.
  • Prof Kim Christensen (k.christensen)  is a Professor in Theoretical Physics. He works in the fields of statistical mechanics and complexity science with an emphasis on non-equilibrium systems. His research is an integration of theoretical, computational and experimental studies of complex systems, involving a rigorous mathematical approach to pioneer new ways of analysing such systems.
  • Dr Tim Evans (t.evans) is a Senior Lecturer in the Theoretical Physics group.  He is interested in non-equilibrium systems and in complex networks in particular.  This is both in terms of theoretical models and in terms of real applications and data, usually taken from social systems ranging from economics to bibliometrics and even archaeology.
  • Dr Eduardo Viegas (e.viegas11) is an expert in the application of complexity theory to risk quantification and financial systems. He is currently a director of Risk and Complexity Laboratory Limited and is a Visiting Associate Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. 
  • Prof Dimitri Vvedensky is a Professor in the Condensed Matter Theory group in the Physics department uses a range of tools from statistical physics to look at problems in many different applications such as financial systems and other complex systems.  
  • Dr Gunnar Pruessner (g.pruessner) is a Reader in Mathematical Physics and an expert on the mathematical modelling of complex systems such as models of self-organised criticality and reaction/diffusion processes for problems in biochemistry and cell biology.
  • Prof Ray Rivers (r.rivers) is an Emeritus Professor in Theoretical Physics at Imperial.  One aspect of his research is on the effect of spatial constraints on patterns of interactions, both in terms of theoretical models and in terms of application to archaeological contexts. 
  • Dr Fernando Rosas (f.rosas) is now Lecturer in Computer Science and AI at the University of Sussex. His interests lay in the interface between complexity, information theory, and computational neuroscience.
  • Dr Paul Expert  (paul.expert08) is now a Lecturer in Health Informatics at the UCL Global Business School for Health, and a visiting Associate Professor at the WRHI, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has worked on a wide range of applications in networks and complexity from mobile phone data to neuroscience to data from a health care setting. 
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