The Imperial Centre of Excellence in Neurotechnology fosters collaborative research at the interface of neuroscience and engineering, to address the challenge of brain-related illness. More than two billion people worldwide are affected by brain-related illnesses, and the numbers are growing. This is having an increasing impact on healthcare resources. Our research aims to find ways to reduce this burden on society.

The Centre brings together researchers from across the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Natural Sciences, from over 14 departments at Imperial College, as well as supporting collaborations with other UK and international academic, industry and charity institutions.

The Centre supports student training in Neurotechnology, through the MRes Neurotechnology programme, based inthe Department of Bioengineering.  Additionally, the Centre was home to the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology for Life and Health which ran from 2014 to 2023 offering a unique programme created by Imperial College London in collaboration with 20 partners in industry and the charity sector, training a new generation of researchers across a range of disciplines. Working in cross-disciplinary teams at the interface of neuroscience and engineering, students worked to develop and harness new technologies for understanding and treating brain disorders.

Apply for the MRes Neurotechnology

We offer a one-year MRes in Neurotechnology - click for details and to apply. The four-year CDT programme is closed for applications.

Contact us

Centre Manager
Kate Hobson