Welcome to the Rowlands Lab!

Our group works on a variety of different projects, which are mainly building optical microscopes and algorithm development. More detail on the kinds of things we do can be found on the Research pages here. Alternatively, if you would like to meet the people who actually do all the work, you're probably looking for the People page, and if you would like to be more like the lovely people you see there, you could always apply to join the lab! The Publications page has all the details on the stuff we've published to date, but if you're interested in the code, models or diagrams that we release for free to the community, you're probably best off looking at the Code and Resources page. Finally, as an instrumentation lab we have a number of instruments that have been built in the past, and are available for use by collaborators and external users. Go to the Instruments and Equipment page for more details.

Contact details

You can contact the Rowlands lab in the following ways:

  • Email: c.rowlands@imperial.ac.uk

  • Telephone +44 (0)20 7594 1331

  • Department of Bioengineering
    Royal School of Mines
    Imperial College London
    SW7 2AZ

  • Repeating "Biophotonics is the best photonics" three times in a mirror.

Lab address