The Centre focuses on five technical themes exploring research that links nanoscale processes to large-scale materials behaviour.

The interdisciplinary research team, which includes six PhD students and three Post-Docs, has been exploiting developments in new ambient pressure systems for spectroscopy and microscopy, as well as central synchrotron facilities to develop new in-situ approaches to study complex systems over length and timescales relevant to industrial processes.

The long-term goal of the Centre is to make industrial processes safer, more predictable and more efficient, ultimately resulting in better asset management and operational performance.

Find out more about our research themes below.

Research themes

Research themes H2S corrosion of high strength steels

The project aims to develop a simulated down-hole environment and use advanced experimental and high resolution microscopy approaches to provide a mechanistic understanding of the interaction of high strength steel with sulfides.


Erosion and corrosion

Project aims to improve and develop mechanistic understanding or erosion and corrosion for different types of flow. It will also develop a robust experimental set-up to allow controlled hydrodynamics, chemistry and temperature to be controlled whilst electrochemical data are monitored.


High temperature materials in processing equipment

Project aims to investigate stress relaxation cracking and improved modelling of high temperature creep behaviour.


Research themes

Polymers and composites

Predicting the long-term collapse and resistance of FCPs under high external pressures.


Physical interaction with service fluids

Project aims to investigate in detail the relation between the solubility parameter and the responds of polymer and composite materials.



Catherine Graham
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 3330

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