Imperial's Social Media Ambassadors are a team of student content producers who work on a project basis to create content covering all topics of student life at Imperial - from clubs and socities to their studies to what it's like to live in London.
Learn more about this year's Social Media Ambassadors.
Social Media Ambassadors
Tani Akinmoladun
Personal details
Tani Akinmoladun Social Media AmbassadorBio
Bio to come.
Yeline Idir
Personal details
Yeline Idir Social Media AmbassadorBio
I am a second year Biomedical Engineering student from Morocco! Come explore more of London and Imperial along with me.
Highlow JC
Personal details
Highlow JC Social Media AmbassadorBio
I am a third-year student in the Department of Physics.
Aditya (Adi) Sil
Personal details
Aditya (Adi) Sil Social Media AmbassadorBio
Bio to come.
Philippa Yuen
Personal details
Philippa Yuen Social Media AmbassadorBio
I'm a first year medical student. I love all things social media, and I'm super excited to to be one of your Social Media Ambassadors this year!