Power Grid

2 - 6 September 2024

Course details

  • Duration: 5 days 
  • Fees:
    £750 - Academic participation fee (PhD, PostDoc & Staff)
    £1500 - Industry participation fee
  • Venue: South Kensington Campus

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The decarbonisation agenda pushes the power system to rapidly transform from fossil fuel-based synchronised generation to renewable-powered Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) that are asynchronously connected. Such a transformation leads to enormous challenges in power system modelling, control, monitoring, operation and planning. 

This summer school aims to provide a holistic view of these challenges and identify the emerging research directions for future IBR-dominated power systems. More specifically, the summer school covers the following topics: 

  • Modelling and Control of Power Converters
  • System Stability Definition and Analysis Methods
  • Novel Protection Solutions 
  • Development of Monitoring, Simulation and Forecasting Techniques  
  • Optimization Tools and Economic Analysis 
  • System Services and Market Design
  • Assessment and Enhancement of System Security, Reliability and Resilience 


Control and Power Group, Imperial College London (Contact: Dr Fei Teng)

The Control and Power Group at Imperial College London has 20 academic members and is a prominent division within the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The group is dedicated to advancing the fields of control systems and power engineering through innovative research and education. Renowned for its cutting-edge work, the group focuses on addressing the challenges posed by modern control systems and the integration of renewable energy sources into the power grid. In recent years, the group has developed world-leading research portfolios in IBR-dominated Power Systems.

Supporting Organisation/Group:

The Electric Power Innovation for a Carbon-free Society (EPICS)

Imperial-Tsinghua Joint Research Centre on Intelligent Power and Energy System

The Global Power System Transformation Consortium (G-PST)

IEEE PES Student Branch at Imperial College London

Lecturer Title

Janusz Bialek, ICL

New Paradigm of Power System Operation and Control

Balarko Chaudhuri, ICL

Fundamentals for Modelling of IBR-dominated power system

Florian Dorfler, ETH

Fundamentals for the control of IBR-dominated power system

Ning Zhang, Tsinghua University

Data-driven Stability Rule Extraction in IBR-dominated Power Systems

Jochen Cremer, Delft

Machine Learning for Dynamic Security of IBR-dominated Power Systems

Tim Green, ICL

Power system stability with a high penetration of inverter-based resources

Nikos Hatziargyriou, NTUA

Definition and Classification of Power System Stability –Revisited & Extended

Ioannis Lestas, University of Cambridge

Decentralised Stability Analysis of IBR-dominated Power Systems

Xiongfei Wang, KTH

Exploring Functional Specifications of Grid-Forming Converters

Sijia Geng, JHU

Hybrid Dynamics in Inverter-Dominated Power Systems

Xiaoyao Zhou, NGESO 

Operation Challenges for IBR-dominated Power Systems 

Frede Blaabjerg, AAU

Reliability and Security of IBR-dominated Power Systems

Sijia Geng, JHU

Resilience of IBR-dominated Power Systems

Qiteng Hong, University of Strathclyde

Protection of Power Systems with High Penetration of IBRs

George Kariniotakis/Simon Camal, MINES Paris

Highly-reliable Forecasting for Grid Service Provision from IBRs

Yunjie Gu, ICL

Data-led Oscillation Monitoring and Early Warning

Yousef Pipelzadeh, Manitoba Hydro Intl.

System-wide EMT Simulation for IBR-dominated Power Systems

Mark O’Malley, ICL

Redefine Services for IBR-dominated power systems

Pierluigi Mancarella

The University of Melbourne

Economics, markets and regulation for new essential system services: first principles and practical experiences

Fei Teng, ICL

Stability-constrained Optimization for IBR-dominated Power Systems

Albana, Ilo. TU Wien.

Holistic approach for the successful DER integration

Zhongda Chu, ICL

Declining System Inertia and Dynamic Reserve Requirements

Goran Strbac, ICL

Co-optimisation of Energy and Frequency-containment Services in GB Power System

Gyu-Sub Lee, Seoul National University

Power system strength and its optimization to accommodate high-penetration of IBRs

Behrooz Bahrani, Monash University

Small Signal and Large Signal Stability in Grid-Forming Inverters