Evidence for additional exam arrangements must meet DAS’ guidance. Additional exam arrangements are recommendations, and the final decision is made by imperial Registry. All forms of assessment should be as inclusive and fair as possible to all and must not confer any unfair advantage on individual students. Although this may entail making alterations in how an assessment is conducted, any such changes cannot alter what is being assessed. This guidance must therefore take account of competence standards or fitness to practice requirements applicable to the relevant course of study.

Examinations completed in person

 All arrangements must show clear evidence of impact on performance. 
  • 25% extra time will be provided as a standard additional exam arrangement where appropriate. This would generally be given in response to evidence of slower or lower literacy skills, processing skills or recall from memory. Increases in extra time above this amount will be considered in line with JCQ guidelines.
  • Extra time may not be provided for some practical exams where there are issues of timed professional ability or competencies.
  • If supervised rest breaks (with a stopped clock) are a more suitable alternative to extra time these should be up to the equivalent of 25% extra time. Increases in the time of the rest breaks will be considered in line with JCQ guidelines.
  • Provision of a rest break AND extra time is not normally considered. Provision of both requires a clear justification from the assessor.
  • A separate room can be provided to accommodate the rest breaks if others will be disturbed by the student.
  • A separate room can be provided for the provision of an amanuensis (reader/scribe). The allocation of an amanuensis is based on literacy or numeracy speeds and/ or legibility issues.
  • A computer can be provided and is based on literacy or numeracy speeds and/ or legibility issues.
  • Any student who wishes, should be allowed to use digital or hard copy-coloured transparencies as a reading aid for exam papers. There is no requirement to produce evidence to facilitate this.
  • The student’s usual way of working in relation to technological equipment/ software should be considered. Provision may not always be manageable, but DAS encourages faculties and departments to aspire to this where possible.
  • If the presented evidence does not include an arrangement that is subsequently seen as being reasonable, the assessor must be contacted to request a fully justified amendment. If this is not possible an IC reassessment may be possible. 