Service update
NB: Charing Cross, Chelsea & Westminster, Hammersmith and St Mary's campuses can all now dial extension 4444 directly to contact South Kensington's Security Control room.
Emergency contacts
Emergency contact numbers are listed here for each campus.
- Internal extension numbers are in bold.
- External numbers are in brackets (to dial from an outside line or mobile phone).
- Students in Halls of Residence: 4444 (or 42444 at Silwood Park) or if calling from a mobile: 020 7589 1000 (or 020 759 42444 at Silwood Park). Or you can contact your Duty Warden - telephone numbers are displayed around the Halls.
- If you have contacted national emergency services please advise Security immediately afterwards.
Emergency contacts by campus
- Charing Cross
- Chelsea and Westminster
- Hammersmith
- Northwick Park
- Royal Brompton
- Silwood Park
- South Kensington
- St Mary's
- White City
Charing Cross
- Campus: 4444 (020 7589 1000) - note that 4444 works from all phones, even those in Trust areas
Chelsea and Westminster
- Campus: 4444 (020 7589 1000) - note that 4444 works from all phones, even those in Trust areas
- Campus: 4444 (020 7589 1000) - note that 4444 works from all phones, even those in Trust areas
Northwick Park
- Security: 3999 (0208 869 3999)
- Crash Team: 2222
- Fire: 3333
Royal Brompton
- Emmanual Kaye Building and Guy Scadding Building: 4444 (020 7589 1000) - Security Control, South Kensington
- NHS Trust Buildings: 3333
Silwood Park
- Silwood Campus: 42444 (020 759 42444)
If the emergency phone at Silwood Park goes unanswered it is automatically redirected to South Kensington Security Control.
South Kensington
- Campus: 4444 (020 7589 1000)
St Mary's
- Campus Security: 4444 (020 7589 1000) - note that 4444 works from all phones, even those in Trust areas with the exception of
- QEQM Wing who should dial 3333
White City
White City: 4444 (020 7589 1000) - Security Control, South Kensington