Taking payments online

The Online Store service is an easy way for you to take payments from your customers.

Product pages cater for simple products, like mugs, gifts, clothing, admin fees and document ordering. Additional features allow you to capture booking and registration details for conferences, events and short courses. For customers, making a purchase is safe and secure, and uses a familiar online shopping cart experience.

Payments made using the store are automatically sent to your finance code and a copy of the transaction is sent to you. Information on sales and bookings is accessible via excel compatible reports. Setting up a course or adding a product to the store is easy, just contact us using one of the forms below.

Visit the store


Request forms

Before completing the request form

  1. Request a valid finance GL code from your local finance representative
  2. Check with your local finance representative that the code exists in ICIS
  3. Confirm in your request that the finance code exists
  4. If your code includes the sequence 567149 it will be rejected
  5. If your code includes a number sequence starting with 1xxxxx, it will be rejected

Requests missing a valid finance GL code will be returned to you

Request creation of a payment link on the online store


To find out how you can set up a payment page in the Online Store please contact:

Helen Wilkes (h.wilkes@imperial.ac.uk)

Desmond Samuel (d.samuel@imperial.ac.uk)
Sarah Thomas (sarah.thomas@imperial.ac.uk)

Natural Sciences
Sean Conner (s.conner@imperial.ac.uk),

Business School / Support Services
Finance Systems (finance.systems@imperial.ac.uk)