The Imperial College Physics Department is again hosting a full day Particle Physics Masterclass.

We Invite sixth form Physics students and their teachers to come and find out about the exciting world of Experimental Particle Physics from one of the largest Particle Physics research groups in the country. We have run the Masterclass successfully in a similar format for a number of years.

The day will start with a computer workshop, where the students can have a first-hand experience of particle physics data analysis. After lunch, the programme will continue with a few talks about current hot topics in Particle Physics interleaved with stimulating question-and-answer sessions.

Reservations, indicating the number of students and accompanying teachers, can be made using the online form. Please note, that the booking will only be valid once a payment of £7.00 per person to cover the cost of refreshments has been made.

This event is now fully booked. All attendees will be contacted via email prior to their visit. Please contact Dion at should you need any further information.

We are looking forward to seeing you!


10.30 – 11.00: Registration and REFRESHMENTS
11.00 – 13.00: Computer Workshop (Prof. U Egede)
13.00 – 14.00: LUNCH
14.00 – 14:30: Physics at the LHC (Dr S. Zenz)
14.35 – 15:10: Neutrino Physics (Dr M. Wascko)
15.10 – 15:50: REFRESHMENTS and Friendly chat with speakers and Staff
15.50 – 16:20: Dark Matter and Cosmology (Dr F. Froborg)

16.25 – 17:00: Applications of High Energy Physics technologies (Dr J. Hassard)


DIRECTIONS: BLACKETT Lab, PHYSICS DEPT (No.6 on the South Kensington Campus map) – enter from Prince Consort Rd SW7, close to its intersection with Queen’s Gate.
Nearest underground: Gloucester Rd or South Kensington Stations.