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Based on one of our past mixed reality projects for HoloLens, we will be walking you through our user experience design process. After the talk, you are able to understand the foundation of creating user experience journeys for mixed reality, can storyboard basic journeys and have learnt about the common pitfalls of mixed reality UX design. In order to get the most out of the talk, we would recommend participating in one of our HoloLens experience workshops first: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/microsoft-hololens-experience-london-tickets-27288152599

Max speaker bio:

Maximilian Doelle is Chief Prototyper at Kazendi – a lean innovation studio that exists to challenge processes and enlighten minds for a changing world. Kazendi is amongst the first companies in the UK to offer Microsoft Hololens development capabilities.

Max Photo

Max works to inspire companies towards better customer engagement by demonstrating the opportunities that come with emerging technologies. With Kazendi’s unique service to prototype any idea from concept to customer in just one week, Max is speeding up innovation and challenging the status quo through radical iteration. Kazendi’s previous clients include Unilever, Pearson, Lloyds Banking Group and many more.

Register HERE for the lecture!

Image courtesy of Microsoft® and Kazendi.