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Title:  Interstellar’s Black Hole: Blurring the lines between science and science-fiction.

The Black Hole depicted in Interstellar is the result of a close collaboration between the film’s Scientific Advisor, Professor Kip Thorne and the visual effects team at Double Negative. Together, we developed the Double Negative Gravitational Renderer. This code uses Einstein’s laws of General Relativity to trace beams of light as they propagate through curved space-time to create the iconic images seen in the movie. The work contributed to Interstellar being awarded the Academy Award for Best Achievement in Visual Effects in 2015, and resulted in the publication of two scientific papers.

Oliver James, Chief Scientist, Double Negative.
Oliver studied Physics at Oxford University, then took a change in direction and became an assistant in a photographic studio. In 1995 he combined those disciplines by joining Research & Development team at The Computer Film Company. Oliver spent a total of five years at CFC before moving on to Warner Bros.’ ESC Entertainment in 2001 and The Moving Picture Company in 2003. In 2004 he joined Double Negative where he has been developing high-end technology to realize some of the most demanding visual effects in film. Film credits include: Event Horizon, Sexy Beast, The Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions, Batman Begins, Harry Potter, Quantum of Solace, Inception and Interstellar.