
Presented by Friends of Imperial College

Discover the journey taken by Professor Jackson and BBC crew to Nyiragongo, one of the
largest and most active volcanoes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and home to the
largest permanent lava lake on Earth.

Posing a permanent threat to the city of Goma, a settlement with >1,000,000 people,
Nyiragongo last erupted in 2002, and has been intermittently active ever since. In this talk we will explore the geological setting of this lethal yet mysterious volcano, which is situated
within the East Africa Rift, the giant geological fracture responsible for the splitting apart of

Professor Jackson will show footage and photography taken from the volcano summit and
deep within the crater, next to the 700 m wide, 600 m deep lava lake, showcasing the
volcanoes structure, and the unusual chemistry and physical properties of its lava.

Transmitted on BBC2 in 2017, Expedition Volcano discussed much, much more about the
geology and study of this fascinating yet devastating natural wonder, the threat it poses to the nearby populous, and the great wealth and conflict it has brought to this turbulent region.

Simply register in advance for this live streamed lecture by booking your place and you will
be sent a zoom link and login instructions one day before the event.

We hope you enjoy this live lecture, part of our programme of events for the academic year 2020/21.

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