The 11th STUOD Sandbox meeting to be held remotely on Friday, 5th November 2021. The Sandboxes are special events, set in specially equipped audio-visual rooms, among Ifremer, Imperial, and Inria with all available tools to manipulate and test ideas.

The 11th meeting of the Sandbox Series is devoted to practical parameterisation of the subscale (fast and resolved scales).

The draft programme includes:

Session I

Chairman: TBC

12.00-12.20 Talk by Stuart Patching (ICL) on Stochastic Advection by Lie Transport (SALT) and Stochastic Forcing by Lie Transport (SFLT) for the Primitive Equations

12.20-12.40 Talk by Long Li (INRIA) on Numerically modelling Location Uncertainty in geophysical fluid dynamics

12.40-13.00 Talk by Said Ouala (IMT-Atlantique) on Augmented representations for sub grid-scale modeling

13.00-13.10 Wrap-up