
The objective of this workshop is to discuss recent advances on modelling of wave and diffusion phenomena in complex media through the lenses of asymptotic and numerical methods for partial differential equations (PDEs) and stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The applications of these research areas are versatile and include notably a better understanding of natural phenomena and living organisms, as well as control of wave and diffusion in man-made composite structures known as metamaterials. This is reflected in the choice of speakers who range from applied mathematicians to theoretical physicists and engineers from the Imperial College London, POEMS team (CNRS-ENSTA-INRIA; Palaiseau, France) and Institut Fresnel (CNRS-Aix-Marseille University-Centrale Marseille; France).


The programme is given in local London and Paris times. A PDF of titles and abstracts can be downloaded.

9 June 2022

We’ve made some changes to the program on Thursday: Ewelina Zatorska’s talk is moved from 16.30-17.00 UK to 14.00-14.30 UK so this shifts the afternoon coffee break and the following talks back by 30 minutes.

Here is the updated program for Thursday.

9:30-11:00 (London) / 10:30-12:00 (Paris) Informal discussion, Welcome coffee

11:00-12:30 (London) / 12:00-13:30 (Paris) Lunch

  • 12:30-12:50 (London) / 13:30-13:50 (Paris) Anne-Sophie Bonnet-BenDhia (POEMS)
  • 12:50-13:10 (London) / 13:50-14:10 (Paris) Richard Craster (ICL, online)
  • 13:10-13:30 (London)  / 14:10-14:30 (Paris) Boris Gralak (Fresnel)
  • 13:30-14:00 (London) /  14:30-15:00 (Paris) Patrick Joly (POEMS)
  • 14:00-14:30 (London)  / 15:00-15:30 (Paris) Ewelina Zatorska (ICL, online)

14:30-15:00 (London) / 15:30-16:00 (Paris) Coffee break

  • 15:00-15:30 (London)  / 16:00-16:30 (Paris) Greg Pavliotis (ICL, online)
  • 15:30-16:00 (London)  / 16:30-17:00 (Paris) Laure Giovangigli (POEMS)
  • 16:00-16:30 (London) / 17:00-17:30 (Paris) Guillaume Demesy (Fresnel)
  • 16:30 – 17:00 (London)  / 17:30-18:00 (Paris) Maryna Kachanovska (POEMS)

    10 June 2022

    08:30-09:00 (London) / 09:30-10:00 (Paris) Welcome coffee

    • 09:00-09:30 (London)  / 10:00-10:30 (Paris) Bryn Davies (ICL)
    • 09:30-10:00 (London) / 10:30-11:00 (Paris) Sebastien Guenneau (ICL)
    • 10:00-10:30 (London)  / 11:00-11:30 (Paris) Sonia Fliss (POEMS)
    • 10:30-11:00 (London) / 11:30-12:00 (Paris) Gunnar Pruessner (ICL, online)

    11:00-12:30 (London) / 12:00-13:30 (Paris) Lunch

    • 12:30-13:00 (London)  / 13:30-14:00 (Paris) Christophe Hazard (POEMS)
    • 13:00-13:30 (London)  / 14:00-14:30 (Paris) Eva-Maria Graefe (ICL, online)
    • 13:30-14:00 (London)  / 14:30-15:00 (Paris) Ory Schnitzer (ICL, online)
    • 14:00-14:30 (London) / 15:00-15:30 (Paris) Maxence Cassier (Fresnel)
    • 14:30-15:30 (London) / 15:30-16:30 (Paris) Round table and farewell


    This workshop will be held in hybrid mode on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 June (in-person on the ENSTA-Ecole Polytechnique campus at Palaiseau near Paris and remotely via zoom, the links are given below.)

    Organizing committee

    Anne-Sophie Bonnet BenDhia (POEMS), Maxence Cassier (FRESNEL), Richard Craster (ICL), Boris Gralak (FRESNEL), Sebastien Guenneau (ICL), Patrick Joly (POEMS), Maryna Kachanovska (POEMS).

    Zoom links

    Zoom links to join online

    UMA ENSTA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Day 1

    Day 2