Professor Carmen Andrade

Abstract: Concrete is a porous material which has thermal and humidity hysteresis and these play a fundamental role in the corrosion of its metallic reinforcement. Daily and seasonal variations make it very difficult to link the instantaneous corrosion rate to the external variation of climate. In addition, it is the evaporable water and not the relative humidity which controls the rate. In this talk, relevant experimental data and their analysis will be discussed.

Short bio: Carmen Andrade is currently affiliated with the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). She has a PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid and honorary doctorates from NTNU and the University of Alicante. She is a world-leading authority in the area of concrete-reinforcing metallic corrosion. She has been the president of RILEM, UEATC and Alconpat International. She is an active member of Commission 8: Durability in The International Federation for Structural Concrete (FIB).


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