IDLES Conference 2022: Decarbonising the UK Energy System

The IDLES Conference brings together academics, researchers, industry representatives and policymakers to discuss developments in energy decarbonisation strategies based on whole systems analysis. Researchers from Imperial College London’s IDLES Programme will present the latest findings from their projects, exploring how to facilitate a cost-effective and secure transition to Net Zero. The conference will include keynote presentations by leading figures from industry and policymaking as well as networking opportunities and a conference dinner (places limited).

Sessions will include:

  • Talk: The UK’s rapid transition to low carbon, low cost electricity – Dr Iain Staffell
  • Talk: Agent- and activity-based modelling of energy demand: Representing the heterogeneities of human behaviour – Dr Aruna Sivakumar and Dr Jacek Pawlak
  • Talk: Are spatially explicit models necessary to determine the cost-optimal decarbonisation strategy for energy-intensive industry? An example of green ethylene – Professor Nilay Shah and Ms Maria Yliruka
  • Talk: Understanding the influence of weather and teleworking on the energy consumption patterns at the household level – Dr Mirabelle Muûls and Dr Shefali Khanna
  • Talk: Characterisation of current and disruptive technologies for their inclusion in whole-energy system models – Prof. Christos Markides and Mr Andreas Olympios
  • Talk: Addressing resilience and uncertainties in energy system operation – Professor Goran Strbac and Mr Cormac O’Malley
  • Panel discussion: Energy systems in a changing world – Rebecca Rosling (Head of Smart Customers R&D,EDF Energy), Alec Waterhouse (Head of Modelling at Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy), Nilay Shah and Mirabelle Muûls.
  • Keynote address: Manu Ravishankar, Innovation Lead – Ofgem Strategic Innovation Fund, Innovate UK
  • Keynote address: Rebecca Rosling (Head of Smart Customers R&D, EDF Energy)
  • Poster session and networking

Attendees will also be invited to tour the Imperial-Hitachi Digital Energy Demonstrator, a key research and teaching facility that provides realistic visualisations of the impacts of different energy systems.

See full Conference Agenda here.

Please note: This is an in-person only event.

What is IDLES?

The Integrated Development of Low-carbon Energy Systems (IDLES) programme is a 5-year interdisciplinary programme funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). IDLES comprises six interconnected projects and brings together expertise from seven departments at Imperial College London to tackle the diverse challenges associated with transitioning to an integrated, low-carbon, energy system. At the core of our approach is the development of high temporal and spatial resolution models for a future multi-vector and cross-sectorial energy system. These models incorporate learnings from across the programme, on topics such as energy demand characterisation, key energy technologies, new risk models to assess resilience, and financial mechanisms to enable an integrated system.

For more information visit:

About Energy Futures Lab

Energy Futures Lab is one of seven Global Institutes at Imperial College London. The institute was established to address global energy challenges by identifying and leading new opportunities to serve industry, government and society at large through high quality research, evidence and advocacy for positive change. The institute aims to promote energy innovation and advance systemic solutions for a sustainable energy future by bringing together the science, engineering and policy expertise at Imperial and fostering collaboration with a wide variety of external partners.

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