The 19th STUOD Sandbox meeting to be held remotely on Friday, 27th January 2023. The Sandboxes are special events, set in specially equipped audio-visual rooms, among Ifremer, Imperial, and Inria with all available tools to manipulate and test ideas.
The 19th meeting of the Sandbox Series will be devoted to Data Analysis/Assimilation aligned with SWOT.
Draft programme:
Chair: Dan Crisan
12.00-12.20 Louis Marie (IFRMER) on “Back from Senegalese waters : the SCOPES campaign”
12.20-12.40 Etienne Memin (INRIA) on “Ensemble forecasts in reproducing kernel Hilbert space manifold: dynamical systems in Wonderland”
12.40-13.00 Oana Lang (ICL) on “Noise Calibration for the Stochastic Rotating Shallow Water Model”
13.00-13.20 Alex Lobbe (ICL)
13.20-13.30 Break
Session II
Chair: Bertrand Chapron
13.30-14.10 Jonathan M. Lilly ( Planetary Science Institute) on “Eddy Detection from Surface Drifter, with Application to the Gulf of Mexico”
14.10-14.30 Discussion