Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 September 2023
2023 Triennial Conference of the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies (RCGAES) at the University of London’s Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies (ILCS)
Historically, Exile Studies have concentrated on social, political and cultural themes but in recent years – most notably with the Conference of the Gesellschaft für Exilforschung in Vienna in 2014 and the subsequent publication of its Proceedings Kometen des Geldes – economic questions have moved from the periphery to the centre of academic enquiry.
The focus of papers includes subjects such as the Aryanisation of firms in Germany and the consequences for Jewish businessmen; the establishment of new enterprises and the re-establishment of existing firms in Britain; the Special Areas, Trading Estates; Internment and its impact on the refugees, refugees’ companies and products contributing to the war effort; accounts of individual companies: their challenges and successes. All are welcome to attend in person or online. Advance registration is essential.
Five speakers from Imperial College London’s CLCC (Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication) will present at the conference. View the conference programme
- Registration fees in person: £25 (one day) / £40 (both days)
- Registration fees online: £10 (one day) / £15 (both days)