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We all have an inner voice in our heads. It is an essential part of what makes us human – it helps us explore ideas without having to physically act out scenarios; it allows us to hold conversations, and remember shopping lists. It is with us from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep. This voice is designed to help you navigate the world and to keep you safe. Problem is, in order to keep you safe it focuses on the negatives, the perceived threats, and all the possible ways that you might mess up, fall down, or embarrass yourself. And that is where we spend a LOT of our time.

During this three-hour workshop, we explore:

  • Explore how your inner voice shapes your thoughts, your mood, and your choices, and your productivity;
  • Address the critical inner voices that drive perfectionism, imposter syndrome and self-doubt that sabotage your motivation and enjoyment for your work;
  • Shift the spotlight – use our values as a compass and bring our strengths to the fore.
  • Learn how to rewrite that inner critic to a voice that allows for more mental space and energy to think, create, be present, and thrive.

Please note: Absences and cancellations with less than 3 working days’ notice will result in a £50 charge. 

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