
We will be welcoming Professor Carmen Dessauer, McGovern Medical School, UTHealth Houston.

Talk Title: Unique Scaffolding of Adenylyl Cyclase for Cardiac Function

Talk Time: 12:30 – 13:30 UK time

Location: In person ONLY room 427/428 4th Floor ICTEM Building, Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road W12 0NN

Please note the seminar organizers and the Head of Section would like to request that college attendees will in the majority of cases be physically present in the seminar room and a participation via Teams shall be the exception

For many years Dr. Dessauer has worked on the spatiotemporal control of cAMP signaling and has worked on the regulation of the adenylyl cyclase 9 and its role in heart rate control. Her laboratory uses biochemical, molecular, and cellular techniques, including live-cell imaging, FRET, and FLIM to understand the complex regulation of adenylyl cyclase by heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins and the compartmentalization of cyclic AMP signaling as they relate to heart disease and chronic pain.

Recent Publications

Baldwin TA, Li Y, Marsden AN, Rinné S, Garza-Carbajal A, Schindler RFR, Zhang M, Garcia MA, Venna VR, Decher N, Brand T, Dessauer CW. POPDC1 scaffolds a complex of adenylyl cyclase 9 and the potassium channel TREK-1 in heart. EMBO Rep. 2022; 23:e55208

Qi C, Lavriha P, Mehta V, Khanppnavar B, Mohammed I, Li Y, Lazaratos M, Schaefer JV, Dreier B, Plückthun A, Bondar AN, Dessauer CW, Korkhov VM. Structural basis of adenylyl cyclase 9 activation. Nat Commun. 2022;13:1045.

Li Y, Hof T, Baldwin TA, Chen L, Kass RS, Dessauer CW. Regulation of IKs Potassium Current by Isoproterenol in Adult Cardiomyocytes Requires Type 9 Adenylyl Cyclase.

Cells. 2019;8:981.

Please note the seminar organizers and the Head of Section would like to request that internal attendees will in the majority of cases be physically present in the seminar room and a participation via Teams shall be the exception

The Cardiac Function Seminar Team
(Prof. Thomas Brand, Natasha Richmond)

imperial logophysiological society

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