Abhijeet Ghosh Inaugural Lecture

Join Professor Abhijeet Ghosh, online or in person, for his Imperial Inaugural.

We have limited in-person spaces available so please ensure you register in advance via Eventbrite.


Creating a photorealistic image has long been a goal in computer graphics. This has inspired the development of rendering algorithms that accurately and efficiently simulate light transport in a scene from a light source towards an observer. Applications of photorealistic rendering range from film and games visual effects, architectural visualization, product advertising/design, and AR/VR. However, the quality of “realism” achieved by a rendering system is limited by the complexity of the materials in a scene, specifically their “shape and appearance” properties which has traditionally been artistically modelled in the industry.   

Abhijeet Ghosh is a Professor of Graphics & Imaging at Imperial College London whose research has focused on practical acquisition of shape and appearance properties of real-world objects, materials and human faces for various realistic rendering applications. In his inaugural lecture, Abhijeet will look at various imaging techniques he has worked on that solve an inverse problem in computer graphics/vision from sparse measurements. Abhijeet will also explore how such novel computational imaging and analysis techniques can lead to contributions BEYOND computer graphics and vision to fields ranging from material fabrication, health monitoring and diagnostics, and even plasma physics! 


Abhijeet Ghosh is Professor of Graphics and Imaging in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, where is leads the Realistic Graphics and Imaging group. His research focuses on appearance modeling and computational photography/illumination for graphics and vision and he has held an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship (2016-2021), and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2013-2017) in this area. Abhijeet is Founder and CTO/Chief Scientist of Lumirithmic, an Imperial spin-out commercialising practical high-quality 3D facial capture. He has served on the editorial boards of ACM Trans. on Graphics (TOG) and IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), as program chair of several computer graphics conferences (EGSR, Pacific Graphics, and CVMP), and on the senior program committees of SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia conferences. 

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