Bow varieties, originally defined by S. Cherkis in 2011, form an interesting class of manifolds. For example: they are generalisations of Nakajima’s quiver varieties and in the affine type A it has been proved that they can be used to recover Coulomb branches (in
the sense of Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima). The aim of this seminar is to present the original Cherkis’ construction of bow varieties. Specifically, we will begin by recalling the descriptions of the complex structure of moduli spaces of solutions of Nahm’s equations
over the intervals given by Hurtubise, Kronheimer and others. Then, we will construct bow varieties as an infinite dimensional hyperkähler reduction. Hence, we will use the previous description of moduli spaces of solutions of Nahm’s equation to give two different approaches to construct bow varieties as finite dimensional hyperkähler reductions. Finally, we will recover the quiver description of bow varieties as discussed in the previous talk.

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