
About Christian Meditation

Christianity has a long and rich history of meditation and contemplative prayer. These ancient Christian traditions have their roots in the monasteries of the desert hermits of the second century. Jesus himself often prayed in times of stillness and solitude. Many of these long established practices are now shared by Christians from Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Churches. We offer a range of meditations practices including:

  • silence and stillness
  • slow reading of scripture (Lectio Divina)
  • using imagination to encounter scripture (Ignatian Contemplation)
  • meditation review of the day or a project
  • Centering prayer
  • using experience and emotions in prayer
  • discernment when making changes in life

These practices also have many resonances with the contemporary practice of Mindfulness meditation.‌

Dates and Themes this term 2024:

  • 17th June   Ignation Meditation: using imagination to read and pray Scripture
  • 24th June   The Review: how to meditate to reflect on the day

Time: Mondays, 13:05-13:40

Location: Chaplaincy, 15 Prince’s Gardens, South Kensington Campus, SW7 1NA

Facilitator: The Christian Meditation sessions are led by Andrew Willson, College Chaplain.

You can subscribe to our weekly mailing list or contact at for more information.