The Blackett level 8 terrace pictured on a blue sky day. The Royal Albert Hall is visible in the background.

Message from Liz Nourshargh to Physics class of 1983

Dear classmate,

I am delighted to share the details of the Physics 1983 reunion we have now confirmed for 13th September from 14.00 in the Blackett Laboratory, South Kensington. We are starting with lectures and a tour of the Physics department, followed by a champagne and canapes reception and bowl buffet in the evening.

Over forty members of our year group are planning to attend, and it will be great to see you too! You can register for the event online here.

Programme outline:
14.00: registration, teas and coffees
15.00: welcome and overview of Physics department by Professor Rupert Oulton
15.15: lecture by Dr Adam Masters – ‘Searching for Life in the Outer Solar System’
16.15: tour of department
17.00: group photos
18.00: champagne and canapé reception
19.00: bowl buffet served until 20.00, drinks
22.30 onwards: drinks elsewhere (optional)

We have received kind donations from some alumni which have enabled us to keep the ticket price to £70 for what promises to be an unforgettable event. The organisers do not want anyone to be prevented from coming because of the cost of the ticket and we have funds available to cover this. Please message Liz to discuss.  Once the costs of the event have been covered, any money remaining will be donated to the IC hardship fund on behalf of our year group.

Best wishes,

Jeremy, Liz, Subbiah and Zar

Next steps

If you’d like to ask a question or see the attendee list please contact the organisers directly via

Otherwise, please let the organisers you are coming via the registration form here.

Getting here