Title: How two Lagrangians can be the same but different: a whiff of J-holomorphic curve theory in symplectic geometry
Speaker: Alexia Corradini
Abstract: Holomorphic curve methods have permeated every part of modern symplectic topology. They come in different flavours of a giant toolkit also referred to as Floer theory. I will motivate their importance, and give hands-on constructions. Although you might catch a glimpse of fancy-sounding words like “A_\infty-algebra” or “Fukaya category”, my aim will be to convey some of the richness of the theory through simple examples. For instance, we will see that topologically identical Lagrangians can be “symplectically different”, and I will end with a question I am currently thinking about, namely “How topologically different can two Lagrangians which are “symplectically the same” be?”
Some snacks will be provided before and after the talk.