Telling our story with confidence and clarity
Communications Division Strategy 2022-23

Imperial, and our staff and students, have a fantastic story to tell – and more reason than ever to get out there and tell it, with confidence and clarity.
Imperial is undoubtedly in a position of strength. Recent awards and accolades are testament to our community’s impressive achievements during the pandemic, which built on decades of visionary and innovative work.
A world top-ten university, with a track record of world-changing impact, a distinctive profile and strengths, and enormous potential, Imperial has every reason to pursue an ambitious vision for the future.
But in a noisy, competitive and changing world, we cannot assume that Imperial’s brilliance will speak for itself.
As we navigate an operating environment that presents unprecedented challenges, alongside peers who are investing heavily in their profile, we must work ever harder to maintain our leading position.
Our communications must be more deliberate, more targeted, and more proactive than ever before. We must be prepared to be bold and innovative in our approach to engaging our audiences.
Actively building our global presence and brand will help ensure Imperial continues to compete successfully in the top tier globally.
This strategy sets out how we will use our communications to help Imperial achieve its ambitions as a force for good in our world.
Our mission
Put simply, our mission is to help Imperial College London to succeed and its community to thrive.
To do this we must focus on where we can make the most difference. The starting question for any communications should be 'why are we doing this and who are we trying to reach?’
For Imperial, there are many different answers to this. We want to promote the use of our world-class research and share important public health information; attract talent, funding and partners; showcase our best-in-class student experience, and help create an informed, motivated and thriving Imperial community.
To help the College achieve its strategic goals, our communications will:
- Encourage a stronger, more diverse, inclusive and engaged Imperial community.
- Raise and deepen the global profile of Imperial’s education, research, innovation and impact on society to attract people to join, support, collaborate with and invest in the College.
- Support work to inform and influence decision makers, empower society and advocate for science, research, innovation and education.

Our audiences
From students to policy makers, and business to alumni: our audiences include a diverse range of groups with different needs and priorities. So we will:
- Understand and listen to our audiences.
- Tailor our communications approach to specific audiences, while maintaining consistent core messaging.
- Feed insights about our audiences directly into our communications activity and the work of the wider College.
Our strategic approach

Building the Imperial brand
So much more than a logo or a particular shade of blue, the ‘Imperial brand’ is the way Imperial is perceived - what people think and feel when they think about Imperial.
Imperial's brand has not kept pace with Imperial's brilliance, and we need to do something about that if we are to compete for talent, funding and partners.
Efforts to build our brand come from many different parts of the Imperial community. A more proactive approach to internal and external communications, message discipline, and the careful application of insight, evaluation and prioritisation in our communications helps.
The impact people see Imperial having on their lives and global challenges matters – as does the experience people have when they come into contact with Imperial.
The Imperial website is our digital ‘shop window’ and we are embarking on a multi-year project to improve the user experience of the site and make sure it reflects Imperial’s stature and ambition.
Another key element is our brand identity. We can support and enhance all our outreach, recruitment, research uptake, communications and marketing – in the UK and internationally – if we have a clear, compelling and consistent approach to how we convey ourselves.
This means taking a hard look at what Imperial stands for at its core and what’s special about us, and at how we express that verbally, visually, through our associations and through the way people experience us.
Investing in our brand identity, as our competitors do, is an important part of how we build the Imperial brand and encourage others to join us, partner with us, invest in us and diversify our income streams.
Investing in our people
A motivated, diverse and thriving community is the foundation of any successful institution – thoughtful internal communications and staff engagement can help build and maintain that community.
Meanwhile, Imperial’s staff and students embody its brilliance. They are generating and harnessing new knowledge and technologies to make our world healthier, smarter, safer, more prosperous and more sustainable.
They are key to our reputation and brand and showcasing them in our external communications can help attract others to join us, support us, and invest in us.
There are so many reasons to showcase the best of our community to the world.
- Our students embody the best of our student experience and appeal to prospective students. Working with their user-generated content on preferred social channels will sometimes be the best way to reach our student audience.
- Our experts and academics are not just spokespeople, they are thought leaders and generators of innovative ideas. A post-COVID surge in public support for scientists strengthened already high levels of public trust.
- Our professional, technical and operational staff are part of the glue that binds our people together. Showcasing their work helps create pride in the Imperial community.
- Our alumni are not only an audience: they are partners, investors, donors; a channel for our communications; and a source of content. Through their success stories we show our impact.
- Through our staff and students, we can showcase both our brilliance and our values in action, including our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
- We can nudge our supporters and partners to advocate on our behalf, bringing the extra weight of their credibility and independence as they tell our story for us.
To increase the impact of Imperial’s people and their work, and to deliver on key priorities for the Imperial community, we will put our people at the heart of our internal and external communications.
Maximising our impact
We rightly expect our communications to do lots of different things at the same time.
Our communications have to appeal to diverse groups of people and support a range of objectives – from fundraising to student recruitment, and from influencing policy to explaining complex scientific and medical research for the general public – all while presenting a coherent and credible whole.
We are fortunate that we have an abundance of great stories to work with. Imperial is home to the most exciting innovations in science, technology, medicine and business, and to brilliant and dynamic people solving the world’s biggest challenges.
And we have an ability to reach people through some of the most influential channels.
To make the most of our brilliant stories and people and the platform we can give them, while presenting a coherent overarching story and ultimately achieving our objectives, we must be selective and targeted. We will:
- Identify and invest in key themes, returning to them and building them over time.
- Plan ahead and prioritise the most important communications moments and topics. Channelling our collective efforts will help the College achieve the recognition it deserves.
- Produce content that is clear and to the point, tailored for the audience, and deliver it using the right channel, at the right moment to reach our intended audience. For some that will mean securing media coverage in a particular outlet, while for others social media, direct communication or other routes will be most effective.
- Be smart about how we gather information and communication material from the College, building on existing work and relationships where possible.
- Learn lessons from our successes and apply them to our future work.
Taking this approach will help us focus on key priorities for Imperial, to increase the impact of our community and its work, and to help us better understand and serve our audiences.
Key themes
We will shape our communications around key themes that showcase who we are, what we do, and what makes us unique.
Imperial is shaping the future
We push the frontiers of knowledge and our discoveries lead to real-world benefits, driving a healthier, smarter, more sustainable and resilient future. We are the place for authoritative thinking, innovative teaching, creative ideas and bold action. We are educating the leaders of the future.
Imperial does things differently
We are a world top-ten university, with a greater proportion of world-leading research than any other UK university. We work across disciplines, sectors and geographic borders. We collaborate with communities, stakeholders, academic partners, governments and industry locally, nationally and internationally. Entrepreneurship runs through Imperial and is one of the things that sets us apart. We bring a quantitative approach to our work, embracing the possibilities of data and sophisticated statistical approaches.
Imperial is a diverse, global community with deep London roots
We are the destination of choice for the most innovative students and researchers from across the globe. We prioritise the wellbeing of our staff and students, building a supportive, diverse, inclusive community. We have lifelong connections with our alumni and meaningful engagement with our local communities. We are prepared to be bold in our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion and widening participation.
What good communications looks like

We measure the success of our communications based on:
Inputs – collecting insights and research on our audiences and tools, linking activities to strategic objectives, assigning budget, time and training
Activities – drafting content with target audiences in mind, creating with clarity and consistency of messaging
Outputs – publishing the content, delivering it via the right platform for the right audience, providing a platform for audiences to speak with their authentic voices
Outtakes – evaluating how thoroughly our audiences engaged with the content, focusing on credible metrics (not vanity statistics)
Outcomes – the short-term actions our audiences take, from changes in behaviour and attitude, to applying knowledge gained via our communications
Impacts – the longer-term results of these outcomes, including improved public health, enhanced corporate reputation, and active ambassadorship
The story behind the story
Case study: The Brahmal Vasudevan Institute for Sustainable Aviation (May 2022)
The Brahmal Vasudevan Institute for Sustainable Aviation is a world-leading institute for safe and sustainable aviation, made possible thanks to a £25 million donation from alumnus Brahmal Vasudevan (Aeronautical Engineering 1990) and his wife Shanthi Kandiah.
The communications activities
Inputs: Insights and plans were created by Communications Division teams in collaboration with departments outside of the division including Advancement, President's office, Institutional Events and the Department of Aeronautics.
Activities: A collection of comms assets were created with target audiences in mind.
- Design and Editorial team – created bespoke branding of the Institute and arranged photography of the launch.
- Digital team – created the Institute's website.
- Media relations team – secured an exclusive with the Financial Times, followed by further coverage in the Evening Standard. A few weeks later the team placed a thought leadership letter from Imperial’s President in the Financial Times. The team also published a news story published on College website.
- Social media team – broadcast the announcement across College social media channels.
- Internal communications team – prepared a message from the Institute's leader which was shared through the internal newsletter.
Outtakes: Media coverage ensured UK-wide reach for the announcement, the news article's unique pageviews were 125% higher than benchmark levels, social media engagement was on average 80% higher than benchmark levels, and internal messaging open rate was 3% above benchmark.
Outcomes: In the short term, the Institute’s presence has been established among key audiences, ensuring the delivery of core messaging and aims.
Impacts: The Communications Division and internal partners are working with the Institute to gather evidence of impact of the Institute and how our communications work helped achieve those aims.

Who we are
A group of hardworking and dedicated communications specialists, the central Communications Division is here for the whole Imperial community.
We are made up of six teams working across internal and external communications who work closely with the wider College communications network and other key partners across Imperial.

The Media Team is responsible for promoting, elevating, and protecting Imperial’s global reputation through the media. The team includes specialists in strategic media relations and research communications.

Social Media
The Social Media Team manages Imperial’s central social media channels, develops creative content and social media campaigns, and produces videos for the College.

Internal Communications
The Internal Communications Team keeps staff and students informed, helps our leaders engage their teams, and contributes to building and maintaining a sense of community at Imperial.

Design and Editorial
The Design and Editorial Team creates marketing and communications material for print and digital channels; manages official imagery and photography for the College; manages the Imperial Magazine; and has responsibility for Imperial’s brand guidelines, including its visual identity and style guide.

The Digital Team has responsibility for the accessibility, design, innovation, management and improvement programme across Imperial's corporate-level digital products, including the Imperial website and Imperial app.

Divisional Office
The Divisional Office Team lead on making sure the College’s communication activity is based on audience insight and best practice principles, rigorously evaluated, effectively planned and aligned with strategic priorities. They are also responsible for operational management and project management for the Communications Division.
Contact us

We want to hear from you. To find out more about how we can work together, please visit:
Key contacts
Zoe Paxton, Director of Communications,
Debbie Evanson, Deputy Director of Communications (Media and Social Media),
Michael Haig, Deputy Director of Communications (Internal Communications, Design and Digital),