Increasing engagement

Mary Caspillo-Brewer, Due Diligence Manager

Angela Kehoe

Mary Caspillo-Brewer, Due Diligence Manager, representative of the Research Office to the People and Culture Network, volunteered to work on a range of engagement and wellbeing activities.

First response to the Staff Survey results 

 “Four key themes were highlighted from the last staff survey including increasing confidence in raising concerns; career progression and development; increasing opportunities for cross-team working; and health and wellbeing. Following a review and discussions with managers in January 2023, Lynne Cox, the Director of the Research Office (RO), initiated focus group discussions led by two senior managers. These sessions aimed to foster better communication with a diverse staff pool and over the course of four meetings and the focus group addressed the survey responses and collectively developed an action plan to tackle identified issues." 

Whether it’s training to become a mental health first aider or undertaking leadership training that demands fix time commitment over six months, we are encouraged to explore these different opportunities with our line manager. 

Encouraging staff to get involved 

 “During the focus group, concerns were raised about taking part in training and development. When emails from People and Organisational Development (POD) arrive, detailing internal events and available training courses, there is a hesitation to engage because we feel we are excluded or that we are not permitted to participate. However, Lynne’s reassurance that ‘it’s permissible’ has been comforting. Whether it’s training to become a mental health first aider or undertaking leadership training that demands fix time commitment over six months, we are encouraged to explore these different opportunities with our line manager." 

Getting together to discuss the issues 

 “Since I joined in 2019 there hasn't been a departmental face-to-face get-together because of COVID and hybrid working. So, one of the things in the action plan was to organise one, which we held in October 2023. During the Away Day, we had presentations from two teams sharing latest developments and their team priorities. Another colleague who recently completed the Team Leader Supervisor Apprenticeship shared her experience and encouraged RO staff to make the most of all the training opportunities available via POD and to show colleagues what’s possible to progress in our careers.  

“To address the issue around being able to raise concerns, a POD Team member led a session on Values. This involved small group discussions and networking opportunities with colleagues from different teams. The focus was on incorporating Imperial Values into everyday team conversations. They shared valuable tips on how to integrate these values into one-on-one meetings. Practical strategies were also discussed on how to effectively use the values and behaviours framework when giving feedback.” 

“We then had an open Q&A session with Lynne. We placed a question box at the registration desk to allow individuals to confidentially submit their questions. Some really good questions were raised and were addressed by Lynne and she also highlighted the different mental health and wellbeing support available for all staff and re-emphasised her open-door policy.” 

“Central to the afternoon of the Away Day was the chance to build relationships with colleagues. After a networking opportunity over lunch, we organised various team-building activities, including physical exercise at Ethos, painting session, outdoor games, and a treasure hunt at the V&A.” 

Keeping up the momentum

“Following the Away Day, a Mental Health and Wellbeing Teams Channel was established and has seen a high level of activity. We’ve also reinstated our monthly 30-minute virtual coffee mornings. In November 2023, an online wellbeing session was facilitated by the Ethos team. A departmental get-together was held at Christmas, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Recently, 25 colleagues from the RO took part in the month-long Big Step Challenge.

"This challenge fostered a spirit of friendly competition, enhanced engagement, and encouraged physical activity among colleagues. Looking ahead, we have several  activities planned for the entire department, including a summer picnic in Hyde Park and regular face-to-face coffee mornings.”