Alessandro ChiodoI visited Imperial College as an ICL-CNRS Fellow from 14 January 2018 to 22 April 2018. During this period of time I had the opportunity to discuss extensively with Tom Coates who is currently involved in several projects approaching the classification of algebraic varieties from the point of view of mirror symmetry.

At the time of arrival at Imperial College I had an ongoing collaboration with Elana Kalashnikov, a PhD student now graduating under the direction of Tom Coates. We have been working on the generalisation of this work in any dimension and to higher order automorphisms. This provides some new and very promising examples of mirror symmetry beyond the Calabi-Yau category.

The ICL-CNRS Fellowship also provided the occasion for me to discuss related projects with Johannes Nicaise, Chris Hull and Hulya Argüz. This led to an ongoing collaboration with Dan Israel (a collaborator of Chris Hull) at the LPTHE, Paris.

Host: Professor Tom Coates

View Alessandro Chiodo's website

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Contact details

Professor Grigorios Pavliotis
Director of the CNRS-Imperial "Abraham de Moivre" IRL

Email the IRL team at Imperial