Yann BrenierI spent the month of February 2020 as an ICL-CNRS Fellow at Imperial. I was invited by Jose Antonio Carrillo and Pierre Degond. With Jose Antonio, we started a program of research on some continuous models describing the limit of suitable system of particles, that may model all kinds of phenomena, in particular population dynamics. We focused on the coupling of porous medium type equations coupled with a Poisson equations, which can be seen as a doubly nonlinear variant of Keller-Segel type models. During my stay, I had also the opportunity of many discussions, in particular with the many young people around Jose Antonio and Pierre, and I was strongly impressed by the variety of their researches and their enthusiasm! I also had the opportunity to interact with the group of Darryl Holm and discuss various issues on the theme of stochastic fluid mechanics following some recent ideas of Darryl. Finally, it was also a pleasure to discuss with my office mates, in particular with Tony Lelièvre.

The length of my stay was too short to plan any visit outside of London (On top of that, the COVID19 crises was just emerging at that time. Fortunately, I could leave London on time without being affected there.) Concerning the housing conditions, I was lucky enough to find a very convenient and affordable place very close to Imperial College, which helped a lot to make my stay in London very enjoyable.

Hosts: Professor Jose Antonio Carrillo and Professor Pierre Degond

View Yann Brenier's website

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Contact details

Professor Grigorios Pavliotis
Director of the CNRS-Imperial "Abraham de Moivre" IRL

Email the IRL team at Imperial