This seminar is devoted to the analysis of Partial Differential Equations and their applications. Unless otherwise specified, the Applied PDEs seminars take place in Huxley 658 on Thursdays 14.00 - 15.00.

For further information, please email Angeliki Menegaki ( or Massimo Sorella (

People interested in talking with the speakers, or making other arrangements, are very welcome to contact us to coordinate.

Diversity Policy for the Applied PDEs Seminar

Imperial College London, its Department of Mathematics, and its Applied Mathematics Section are committed to fostering a welcoming, open, and diverse research community. We believe that diversity drives innovation, and through this seminar series we will work towards building an inclusive environment by creating a list of speakers that reflect the UK’s community we serve and where everyone feels empowered to bring their full, authentic selves to work.

We will invite speakers from all around the UK, and insofar as possible around the rest of Europe and the world. When soliciting names of potential speakers, the organisers emphasise our aim to present a slate of speakers that is diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity/race, geography, and career stage.

Event schedule