December 5th, 2014: G. Vasconcelos will address the group meeting on "A primer on the prime function and its applications to Hele-Shaw flows" (Huxley 747, 2.30-3.30pm).
August 15, 2014: "Stochastic Conformal Growth", Mark Mineev-Weinstein, New Mexico Consortium and UFRN (Brazil).
August 8, 2014: "The Fokas method for interface problems", Dr. Natalie Sheils (University of Washington, USA).
June 27, 2014: Prof. Alexander Its (Indianapolis) will give a masterclass on "The Riemann-Hilbert Method" in Huxley 139, 3-5.30pm.
June 13, 2014: Giovani Vasconcelos will give a Fluid Dynamics seminar: "Multiple boundaries for fluid flows".
June 10, 2014: Prof. Marc Hodes of Tufts University will visit to address the group on "Analysis of convection in the presence of apparent slip".
June 5-6, 2014: Prof. Saleh Tanveer will deliver a short lecture course on "Quasi-solution methods for nonlinear equations".
June 4, 2014: Prof. Bruno Carneiro da Cunha, of the Physics Dept in UFPE Recife, will address the group on Liouville theory applied to boundary value problems.
May 13, 2014: Prof. Peter Clarkson will visit to deliver a seminar entitled "Vortices and polynomials".
March 13, 2014: Vikas Krishnamurthy will lead the meeting.
March 6, 2014: Prof. Saleh Tanveer will address the group meeting on quasi-solution methods for nonlinear problems.
February 27, 2014: Dr. Peter Buchak will address the group meeting on microstructured optical fibres.
February 3, 2014: Mariona Anglada Baneras, a PhD student visiting from Brazil, will present ideas on conformal slit maps in string theory.
January 30, 2014: Dr. Everett Kropf will address the group meeting on shape fingerprints.
January 23, 2014: Dr. Jonathan Marshall will give a group meeting on analytical approaches to some free boundary problems.