ACCA-Imperial Weekly Meetings

The ACCA at Imperial College group holds weekly meetings where the members, and visitors, discuss open and ongoing research efforts in an informal, supportive environment.

Group meeting

Weekly Meetings

December 16, 2015: Everett Kropf will lead the meeting.

December 9, 2015: Jordan Hauge will lead the meeting.

November 4, 2015: Jordan Hauge and Everett Kropf will lead the meeting.

October 28, 2015: Everett Kropf will lead the meeting.

October 21, 2015: Sam Brzezicki will lead the meeting.

December 5th, 2014: G. Vasconcelos will address the group meeting on "A primer on the prime function and its applications to Hele-Shaw flows" (Huxley 747, 2.30-3.30pm). 

August 15, 2014:  "Stochastic Conformal Growth", Mark Mineev-Weinstein, New Mexico Consortium and UFRN (Brazil). 

August 8, 2014: "The Fokas method for interface problems", Dr. Natalie Sheils (University of Washington, USA). 

June 27, 2014: Prof. Alexander Its (Indianapolis) will give a masterclass on "The Riemann-Hilbert Method" in Huxley 139, 3-5.30pm.

June 13, 2014: Giovani Vasconcelos will give a Fluid Dynamics seminar: "Multiple boundaries for fluid flows".

June 10, 2014: Prof. Marc Hodes of Tufts University will visit to address the group on "Analysis of convection in the presence of apparent slip".

June 5-6, 2014: Prof. Saleh Tanveer will deliver a short lecture course on "Quasi-solution methods for nonlinear equations".

June 4, 2014: Prof. Bruno Carneiro da Cunha, of the Physics Dept in UFPE Recife, will address the group on Liouville theory applied to boundary value problems. 

May 13, 2014: Prof. Peter Clarkson will visit to deliver a seminar entitled "Vortices and polynomials".

March 13, 2014: Vikas Krishnamurthy will lead the meeting.

March 6, 2014: Prof. Saleh Tanveer will address the group meeting on quasi-solution methods for nonlinear problems.

February 27, 2014: Dr. Peter Buchak will address the group meeting on microstructured optical fibres.

February 3, 2014: Mariona Anglada Baneras, a PhD student visiting from Brazil, will present ideas on conformal slit maps in string theory.

January 30, 2014: Dr. Everett Kropf will address the group meeting on shape fingerprints.

January 23, 2014: Dr. Jonathan Marshall will give a group meeting on analytical approaches to some free boundary problems.