The Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology has spun out a number of commercial entities to exploit the IP in developed technologies. For more information, visit the company websites below.
DNAnudge Ltd (

My DNA, my choice.
DNAnudge is a direct-to-consumer genetic service company with proprietary technology. DNAnudge aims to nudge people for a better lifestyle based on their DNA.
DNA Electronics Ltd ( )
The ability to accurately detect a gene sequence in real-time using a standalone, fully portable, low power unit provides end-users with technology as yet unavailable outside a laboratory. In some applications, a real-time answer at the point-of-care would save time, money and lives. DNA Electronics' silicon-based Genalysis™ platform delivers exactly this.
Mint Neurotechnologies Ltd ( )
Redefining neurological interventions. Enabling next-generation neural implants with advanced semiconductor technology
Proton Dx Ltd ( )
Rapid, portable, high-quality, diagnostic and extraction solutions. ProtonDx's core technology builds on several years of innovative research in diagnostics and sample extractions, fuelled by unique collaborations between engineering, medicine and molecular biology.
Sensium Healthcare Ltd ( )
Wireless infrastructure for intelligent, non-intrusive continuous monitoring in the human space. The Toumaz Sensium™ provides the enabling technology to connect the mobile individual to healthcare providers. Incorporated within the Sensium platform is the capability to intelligently process data locally and provide real time feedback to the individual and improve their lifestyle choices.
Contact us
Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology
Imperial College London
Bessemer Building
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 0701
Fax: +44 (0)207 594 0704