Academic and Senior Research Staff
Christofer Toumazou
Christofer Toumazou
Genetic Technology (Director)
Timothy Constandinou, PhD
Timothy Constandinou, PhD
Neural Interfaces (Group Leader)
Pantelis Georgiou, PhD
Pantelis Georgiou, PhD
Metabolic Technology (Director)
Postdoctoral Research Staff
Ahmad Shah Idil
Ahmad Shah Idil
Research Associate
Melpomeni Kalofonou, PhD
Melpomeni Kalofonou, PhD
Research Fellow
Michael Drury
Michael Drury
Embedded System Engineer
Nicolas Moser, PhD
Nicolas Moser, PhD
Research Associate
Niro Yogendran
Niro Yogendran
Translational Project Manager
Adrien Rapeaux
Adrien Rapeaux
Research Fellow
Sumbal Sarwar
Sumbal Sarwar
Research Associate
Junming Zeng
Junming Zeng
Research Associate
Research Assistants and PhD Students
Charalambos Hadjipanayi
Charalambos Hadjipanayi
Research Assistant
Maowen Yin
Maowen Yin
PhD Student
Ioannis Konstantinos Afentakis
Ioannis Konstantinos Afentakis
PhD Student
Ryan Armiger
Ryan Armiger
PhD Student
Alan Bannon
Alan Bannon
Research Assistant
Berkay Ozbek
Berkay Ozbek
PhD Student
Melina Beykou
Melina Beykou
PhD Student
Joseph Broomfield
Joseph Broomfield
PhD Student
Calista Yapeter
Calista Yapeter
PhD Student
Costanza Gulli
Costanza Gulli
PhD Student
Haotian Yuan
Haotian Yuan
PhD Student
Lei Kuang
Lei Kuang
Research Assistant
Vichaya Manatchinapisit
Vichaya Manatchinapisit
PhD Student
Mei Miyazaki Kirby
Mei Miyazaki Kirby
PhD Student
Zachary Nairac
Zachary Nairac
PhD Student
Natalia Martinez
Natalia Martinez
PhD Student
Shuanghua Liu
Shuanghua Liu
PhD Student
Prateek Tripathi
Prateek Tripathi
PhD Student
Tasha Walker
Tasha Walker
PhD Student
William Bolton
William Bolton
Research Assistant
Yuting Xu

Yuting Xu
Research Assistant
Zijia Wang
Zijia Wang
PhD Student
Ziwei Chen
Ziwei Chen
Research Assistant
Dimitris Antoniadis,
Dimitris Antoniadis,
PhD Student
Katerina-Theresa Mantikas,
Katerina-Theresa Mantikas,
Research Assistant
Steven Wong
Steven Wong
PhD Student
Taiyu Zhu,
Taiyu Zhu,
PhD Student
Jiaqi Ge

Jiaqi Ge
PhD Student
Administrative Staff
Izabela Wojcicka Grzesiak
Izabela Wojcicka Grzesiak
Senior Research Centre Administrator
Our Group
Our address
Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology
Imperial College London
Bessemer Building
South Kensington
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 0701
Fax: +44 (0)207 594 0704