For opsin-level simulations, PyRhO solves the ordinary differential equations describing the opsin models with numerical integrators under a given set of experimental conditions. This assumes the opsin is essentially in something like a HEK cell where there are no confounding effects of other ion channels. The resultant photocurrents are then calculated and plotted.
If more detailed morphological neuron models are desired, the topology, geometry and biophysics may be specified in a list of hoc files and passed to the NEURON simulator, along with the parameterised opsin model to be inserted into the cell's membrane. Additionally, the compartment name of where to record from should be specified (default: Vcomp='soma') along with the compartmental expression probability (default: expProb=1.0) and the initialisation membrane potential (default: v_init=-65) and whether to use a voltage clamp (default Vclamp=False). If desired, details of NEURON's numerical integrator may also be adjusted (defaults: CVode=False; dt=0.1) to balance the accuracy and runtime of the simulation.
Brian 2
For network level simulations, groups of spiking neurons may be transfected with a model opsin and simulated with the Brian 2 simulator. Brian is not currently integrated with PyRhO's GUI and so networks for simulation must be specified programmatically (although the opsin parameters may still be fit or loaded from the GUI). A worked example may be found in the demonstration notebook. For further details, examples and tutorials for using Brian, we refer you to the Brian 2 documentation.