The Biomomentum’s multiaxial mechanical tester is a versatile device suitable for biomaterial, tissues and soft materials. Due its modular design and small footprint, it is easily adaptable to a large range of loading applications including compression, tension, shear, friction, torsion and indentation mapping.

Technical information

Linear stages
  • Travel range: X – 250 mm, Y – 50 mm, Z – 100 mm
  • Resolution: 0.5 µm
  • Max speed: 50 mm/s
  • Max acceleration: 500 mm/s2
Rotational stage
  • Travel range: ± infinite
  • Resolution: 0.5 mo
  • Max speed: 80 o/s
  • Max acceleration: 320 o/s2
  • Torque capacity: 15 Nm
Available fixtures    
  • MA626 – Sample chamber with 2 wall sizes (50.8 and 76.2 mm)
  • MA646 – 6-screw sample holder with cone-ended screws (63.5 mm)
  • MA740 – Flat sample chamber with 37-mm wall
  • MA499 – Drill chuck sample holder
  • MA555 – Multiwell plate holder
  • MA564 – C-shaped tensile grip (opening = 8 mm)
  • MA263 – Flat indenter (D = 31.75 mm)
  • MA679 – Spherical indenter (D = 6.35 mm)                                                         
  • MA030 – Kits of spherical indenters
  • Multiaxial loadcell range/resolution: vertically ± 250 N/12.5 mN, horizontally ± 130 N/6.5 mN, rotationally ± 10 N.m/0.5 mN.m
  • Single axis loadcell range/resolution: vertically ± 10 N/0.5 mN
  • Data acquisition rate: up to 2500 Hz
  • Mach-1 Motion Software