Athanasios MantalarisThe Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory (BSEL) was established in 2004 as a result of the vision and collaboration between Prof. Sakis MantalarisProf. Stratos Pistikopoulos (Texas A&M University, Former Director of CPSE, Imperial College London), and Dr. Nicki Panoskaltsis (Reader in Haematology, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London).

BSEL is part of the Centre for Process Systems Engineering. The research vision of BSEL is captured in the expertise of its founders, which include a biochemical/tissue engineer, a modeller, and a clinician as it seeks to integrate experimentation with modelling in a translational approach to biological and medical problems.

BSEL has its state-of-the-art experimental research facilities in the Department of Chemical Engineering and its modelling facilities in the Centre for Process Systems Engineering.

BSEL is headed by Prof. Sakis Mantalaris.

Please feel free to explore this website and get in touch with us if you require any additional information!


Contact details

Professor Sakis Mantalaris
Head of BSEL Group

Chemical Engineering Department

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5601

