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Prof. Mantalaris is leading the H2020-sponsored ETN SyMBioSys. SymBioSys is a MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE Innovative Training Network (ITN) comprising of 11 academic and industrial partners. The main objective of SyMBioSys is to provide a new generation of innovative and entrepreneurial early-stage researchers (ESRs) that will develop cutting-edge kinetic models for biological processes via systems engineering research and will exploit these for designing novel biotechnological applications.  For more information and vacancies please visit the official website of SymBioSys

Prof. Mantalaris is also partner to the H2020-sponsored ETN ModLife, a dynamic, multidisciplinary ITN training network, ModLife, which is European Training Network initiative that brings together 5 leading European universities, 4 global industrial players and 2 SMEs to undertake research and training in the area of product-process innovation, optimization monitoring and control for life sciences and biotechnology industries. Modlife aims to develop Advanced Model-Based Optimization, Monitoring and Control as Enabling Technologies for bioprocess-product development and innovation tailored for the needs in life science industries.  For more information and vacancies please visit the official website of ModLife




SyMBioSys Vacancies

Contact details

Professor Sakis Mantalaris
Head of BSEL Group

Chemical Engineering Department

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5601

