The Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory is assisting Professor Livingston in his research to design effective wastewater systems. A key question that BSEL is helping to address is the microbial population stability in these systems. BSEL is utilising modern molecular biology techniques, such as FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) and, in the future, flow cytometry to analyse the microbial populations in these systems.
Current projects
- Population dynamics with bioreactor degrading halogenated compounds
- Microbial strain dynamics and bioreactor stability in an intensive bioscrubber system
Population dynamics with bioreactor degrading halogenated compounds
Microbial strain dynamics and bioreactor stability in an intensive bioscrubber system
Contact details
Professor Sakis Mantalaris
Head of BSEL Group
Chemical Engineering Department
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5601