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Pauline and Paul show young girls lenses

Jonas explains optical tweezers

Jonas showing the tweezer trap to public


water fountain laser fibre

The Great Exhibition Road Festival 2019

We were at The Great Exhibition Road Festival! Did you see us? 

Our specialty is the science of lasers and cold matter. At the festival, we demonstrated some of the physics that we make use of every day in our laboratory. Outshining (literally) our other demonstrations, was our tweezer trap. This device uses a powerful green laser to trap and hold on to small objects. Next to the tweezer trap was our water fountain. Here we revealed how water can be used to change the path of light by confining it inside the stream of water and allowing it to be guided around corners. Last, but not least, was our interactive challenge. Using mirrors and lenses, we asked you to direct and shape laser light so that it could traverse a maze! If you would like to learn more about the physics of our demonstrations, check out the sections below.

Physics of our demonstrations